Selasa, 26 April 2016

Possesive Prounoun Dan Reflexive Proun

Possesive Prounoun Dan Reflexive Proun
Nama : Hari wahyu Bimantoro
Kelas : 1e30
Npm : 13215055
Possesive prounoun
1.    Mine  = Mine is the biggest one
2.    Yours  = This is my book. Yours are in the library.
3.    Ours = That is their bus. Ours is late
4.    Theirs = Our class is bad. Theirs is the good one.
5.    His = My bag is expensive. His is more expensive
6.    Hers = I want to have a big house just like hers.

Reflexive proun
1.    Myself = I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
2.    Yourself = You do not need to blame yourself everytime.
3.    Ourselves = We make ourselves more manly with this clothes.
4.    Themselves = The children decorate the class by themselves.
5.    Himself = He tries to make himself usefull in his group.
6.    Herself = She will hurt herself if she still play with that roses.

7.    Itself = The book dropped down by itself.

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