Selasa, 26 April 2016

Possesive Prounoun Dan Reflexive Proun

Possesive Prounoun Dan Reflexive Proun
Nama : Hari wahyu Bimantoro
Kelas : 1e30
Npm : 13215055
Possesive prounoun
1.    Mine  = Mine is the biggest one
2.    Yours  = This is my book. Yours are in the library.
3.    Ours = That is their bus. Ours is late
4.    Theirs = Our class is bad. Theirs is the good one.
5.    His = My bag is expensive. His is more expensive
6.    Hers = I want to have a big house just like hers.

Reflexive proun
1.    Myself = I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
2.    Yourself = You do not need to blame yourself everytime.
3.    Ourselves = We make ourselves more manly with this clothes.
4.    Themselves = The children decorate the class by themselves.
5.    Himself = He tries to make himself usefull in his group.
6.    Herself = She will hurt herself if she still play with that roses.

7.    Itself = The book dropped down by itself.


Descriptive Text
Nama : Hari wahyu bimantoro
Kelas :  1ea30
Npm : 13215055
My Mother
She has black hair, brown eyes, and a caring touch. That’s my mom.
My mom talks to me about many things. One of the things she talks to me about is what will happen when I grow up. She tells me what to do in case of an emergency. And one day I had a really bad day with my friends, and she told me what to do about it.
My mom and I spend a lot of time together. We play games, bake cookies, make necklaces, and draw doodle tricks. But our favorite thing to do is read. Our favorite book now is Harry Potter.
My mom always laughs, and when she laughs she sounds like a hyena gone crazy! She doesn’t laugh every day, but when she does, it’s hilarious, and I have to laugh, too!

My mom is the greatest. I love how she jokes around. She is always fun no matter what, and she gives me great advice. My mom is more than a mom; she is like my best friend!

Jumat, 01 April 2016


NAMA     : Hari wahyu bimantoro
KELAS      : 1EA30
NPM         : 13215055
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an, or the) if they are necessary. If no article is necessary, leave the space blank.
1. Jason’s father bought him a bicyle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship for  -  France to the United States.
3. Rita is studying  -  English and  -  Math this semester.
4. The judge asked the witness to tell the truth.
5. Please give me a cup of  -  coffee with  -  cream and  -  sugar.
6. The big books on the table are for my history class.
7. No one in the Spanish class knew the correct answer to  -  Mrs. Perez’s question.
8. My  -  car is four years old, and it still runs well.
9. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of  -  chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
10. There are only a few seats left for  -  tonight musical at the university.
11. John and Marcy went to  -  school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.
12.  -   Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in  -  North America.
13. On our trip to  -  Spain, we crossed the Athlantic Ocean.
14.  Mount Rushmore is the site of the magnificent tribute to  -  four great Americant presidents.
15. what did you eat for  -  breakfast this morning?
16. Louie played  -  basketball and  -  baseball at the Boys Club this year.
17. Rita plays the violin and her sister plays the guitar.
18. While we were in  -  Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
19. Phil can’t go to the movies tonight because he has to write an essay.
20. David attended  -  Princton University.
21. Harry has been admitted to the School of Medicine at  -  Midwestern university.
22. Mel’s grandmother is in the hospital, so we went to visit her  -  last night.
23. A Political Science class is taking a trip to  -  United Arab Emirates in  - spring.
24. The Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch of the Great Britain.
25. The Declaration of independence was drawn up in 1776.
26. Scientist sent an expedition to  -  Mars during  -  1990s.
27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.
28. The chair that you are sitting in is broken.
29. The Civil War was fought in  -  United States between 1861 and 1865.
30. The Florida State University is smaller than  - University of Florida.